On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Grant Ingersoll <gsing...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Apr 3, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
>> I've made a RequestHandler class that acts as follows:
>> 1. At its initialization, it creates a StandardRequestHandler and hangs onto 
>> it.
>> 2. When a query comes to it (I configure it to a custom qt value), it:
>>  a. creates a new query based on the query that arrived
>>  b. creates a LocalSolrQueryRequest for the current core and a param
>> set containing the derived query
>>  c. runs this request through the SearchHandler
>>  d. uses a searcher to retrieve all the docs
>>  e. rescores/reorders them using our code
>>  f. attaches the result of this process to the response. The
>> rescoring code creates a DocSlice containing the usual items, and that
>> becomes "response".
> Couldn't you just implement a Function (that calls your code) and use sort by 
> function and/or use that value as part of the broader match?  Lot less moving 
> parts, etc.

I don't know. Feel free to point me at doc at any point, but here's
the questions that spring to mind:

Starting with something in 'q' like:

   bt_rni_name:"Mortimer Q Snerd" bt_rni_Name_Language:eng

code of mine eats those two fields (in some sense, pseudo-fields), and
spits out many other fields that we actually want to query on.

Then, when the results come back, a whole slew of other fields are
used to calculate the 'real' score.

Do Functions do that?

> -Grant

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