(12/07/09 19:41), Alok Bhandari wrote:

this is how the field is declared in schema.xml

<fieldType name="text_path" class="solr.TextField" stored="true"
indexed="true" positionIncrementGap="100">
         <tokenizer class="solr.PathHierarchyTokenizerFactory"/>
         <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />

when I query for this filed with input
"M:/Users/User/AppData/Local/test/abc.txt" .
It searches for documents containing any of the token generated M,Users,
User .... etc.but I want to search for exact file with the given input as a
value. Please let me know how I can achieve that. I am using solr 3.6.thanks

Can you try KeywordTokenizerFactory instead of PathHierarchyTokenizerFactory?


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