Hi Tim,

(13/10/15 5:22), Tim Vaillancourt wrote:
Hey guys,

Sorry for such a simple question, but I am curious as to the differences in 
caching between a
"combined" filter query, and many separate filter queries.

Here are 2 example queries, one with combined fq, one separate:

1) "/select?q=*:*&fq=type:bid&fq=user_id:3"
2) "/select?q=*:*&fq=(type:bid%20AND%20user_id:3)"

For query #1: am I correct that the first query will keep 2 independent entries 
in the filterCache
for type:bid and user_id:3?\


For query #2: is it correct that the 2nd query will keep 1 entry in the 
filterCache that satisfies
all conditions?


Lastly, is it a fair statement that under general query patterns, many separate 
filter queries are
more-cacheable than 1 combined one? Eg, if I performed query #2 (in the 
filterCache) and then
changed the user_id, nothing about my new query is cache able, correct (but if 
I used 2 separate
filter queries than 1 of 2 is still cached)?

Yes, it is.


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