Hi Roland,

(13/10/17 20:44), Roland Everaert wrote:

I helped a customer to deployed solr+manifoldCF and everything is going
quite smoothly, but every time solr is raising an exception, the
manifoldcfjob feeding
solr aborts. I would like to know if it is possible to configure the
ExtractRequestHandler to ignore errors like it seems to be possible with
dataimporthandler and entity processors.

I know that it is possible to configure the ExtractRequestHandler to ignore
tika exception (We already do that) but the errors that now stops the
mcfjobs are generated by
solr itself.

While it is interesting to have such option in solr, I plan to post to the
manifoldcf mailing list, anyway, to know if it is possible to configure
manifolcf to be less picky about solr errors.

ignoreTikaException flag might help you?



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