(13/10/30 22:09), lovely kasi wrote:

I made few changes to the solrconfig.xml, created a jar file,added it to
the lib folder of the solr and tried to start it.

THe changes in the solrconfig.xml are

<updateRequestProcessorChain name="mahoutclassifier" default="true">
       <processor class="com.mahout.solr.classifier.CategorizeDocumentFac">
         <str name="inputField">LEAD_NOTES</str>
         <str name="outputField">category</str>
         <str name="defaultCategory">Others</str>
         <str name="model">naiveBayesModel</str>
       <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory"/>
       <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory"/>

What is "com.mahout.solr.classifier.CategorizeDocumentFac" ?
Is it a classifier delivered by Solr community?


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