New protests in Silovo over electric power cuts       

12 March 2009.

The Serbs from the Silovo village in Kosmet have again gathered today in 
protest over the power cuts. Head of the Kosovo-Pomoravlje district 
Dragan Nikolic has attested that the inhabitants of Silovo have been 
without electricity for more than a week and that they ask for the equal 
treatment like the Albanians, i.e. for the Kosmet Power Corporation to 
re-connect their supplies. He said that the inhabitants of Silovo will 
continue and expand their protest to block the major road from Gnjilane 
to Bujanovac, unless their power supply is renewed tomorrow. Due to the 
long power cuts in several Serbs villages in the central Kosmet, the 
Serbian authorities have sent protest to UNMIK, along with two suggested 
solutions – the first relating to the founding of a special company for 
the power supply of Serb settlements in the Province; the other to the 
Serbian Electric Corporation compensating for the power spent in the 
Serb communities in Kosmet. The power cuts in the Serb villages in the 
Province are interpreted as pressure on the local Serbs to acknowledge 
the self-proclaimed state of Kosmet.

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