> And how about land.from_image? We already have three places where images
> are used, and we will almost certainly have more. I think this justifies
> an image object.

you're right

> My intent was to remove the image loading functionality from Soya
> altogether, and if we still wanted to load an image automatically, do it
> in Python using PIL and transfer it over via a string. I believe this
> would still only end up making one copy rather than two, because I would
> imagine PIL doesn't copy on tostring since strings are immutable.
> If we do this, then these functions would no longer take a filename as
> an argument.
As some image loader functions are implemented in C, we can keep it (remember that the 
part should one day be used with another language than python...)

here is what you can do:
- detect in Python if the PIL is available and use it whenever it's possible
- use the C functions else


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