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On Thu, 21 May 2009 16:23:17 -0400
Jeff Ortel <jor...@redhat.com> wrote:

> All,
> The outcome of the meeting yesterday regarding the pgsql branch
> review is as follows:
> After lengthy discussion it was decided (almost unanimously by
> attendance) that the work on the pgsql branch would be merged to
> master without refactoring the commits.  There was general agreement
> that the concerns and objections raised about doing this had a lot of
> merit.  However, they did not justify the effort required to
> re-implement work that has already been completed.
> Pending resolution of the following content related comments and
> assuming no new issues are raised, the branch will be merged to
> master.  Merge vs cherry pick, not sure which is best.  Thoughts
> anyone?

Definitely merge. Cherry pick IMO would turn into an abysmal task with
very little pay off. (i.e. the conflicts will hit for every commit we
cherry-pick, rather than a merge where we resolve conflicts for the end
result, not to mention that we've already dealt with most of this with
the master to pgsql merges)

> * Run automated testing on spacewalk installed from pgsql.  Can this
> be done?

If hudson is accurately reporting errors our unit tests have been
failing against spacewalk for about a week, we'll probably want to get
these issues resolved and run them locally before we commit and push.

I fear our other test suites will require us to merge back so we can
actually tag packages and have a sane way to deploy the postgresql
modified code. (right now we just have that scp script which isn't



- -- 
  Devan Goodwin <dgood...@redhat.com>
  Software Engineer     Spacewalk / RHN Satellite
  Halifax, Canada       650.567.9039x79267
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (GNU/Linux)


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