Andy Speagle wrote:
> Hi Team,
Hi Andy!

> The "last sync time" being reported by the WebUI doesn't match up if you
> perform a sync from the command-line.  

This is expected.  The time that we display in the UI is only stored
when you initiate the sync from the UI. So running it from the command
line won't update that time.

>For one of my channels the
> datetime reported is:
> 8/10/09 1:00:03 PM EDT
> And when I click that link, the datetime is:
> Sync started: Tue Aug 11 09:39:52 2009
> This is the manual sync I performed from the command line when 23 new
> packages were synced.

To display the 'last log' however, we simply look at the directory for
logs and find the last one for that channel/repo.

> Now, let's see what happens when I click the "Sync Repo" box and update
> the channel....<wait for it>....
> Yup... that updated the "Lasy Sync Time" ... interesting.  A minor
> cosmetic flaw perhaps, but I have scheduled daily syncs via cron and was
> expecting to see that information updated.

This was our first go at repo-sync and we'd like to add things such as
scheduling from the UI in the future.  But for now, what you're seeing
is behaving as designed, but not necessarily behaving in the most
intuitive way :}


> Andy Speagle
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