Duncan Mac-Vicar P. wrote:
% > /rhn/account/LocalePreferences.do - in 21st century and utf8 fonts, do
% we need pictures with text in national alphabets (if you select hindi as
% webui language, we have to use some fonts supporting hindi anyway),
% therefore getting rid of images would be really nice?
% I looked briefly into this and I have a patch. However there is a
% problem. The "normal" fonts are not that complete so even if hindi shows
% correctly with their alphabet, korean and other do not.
% This can be fixed by adding another font that is complete (like gnu
% unifont) and generate a css style that would apply that font only in
% that section of the page. However unifont .ttf is 14M. I am pretty sure
% that one could generate a subset of the font but I haven't looked into
% that yet. It should be possible with the build system of those fonts.

Hi Duncan,

Is that 10KB of images really that ugly / big problem that we need to
replace them with 14MB ttf font? I don't think so.

% Options?
% - We look into generating a font with the symbols we need?

Even when the font will include only necessary characters will it be
smaller than current images?

% - We keep using images but may be improve them?

If it's just about good-looking labels I'd vote for new images based on font
which looks nice with the rest of the page.

% - ???


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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