Hi all.

Say yay [1] to little change in rhn:icon tag -- title is
from now on supposed to contain localization string instead
of raw data. For example

  <rhn:icon type="system-ok" title="spacewalk.shark.funnyMessage" />

This will have following advantages:

  * less code -- otherwise you would be doing dereferencing of localization
    messages anyway (if done properly);
  * enforcing internationalization -- if you add title to icon
    (which is not always needed, only when icon is (or might end up being)
    the only visible element for some action (e.g. "Sign Out")), it simply
    have to be internationalized;
  * old way was not working for this tag anyway;
  * and probably more ;-).


Matej Kollar
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tomáš Kašpárek" <tkaspa...@redhat.com>
> To: spacewalk-devel@redhat.com
> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:02:10 AM
> Subject: [Spacewalk-devel] New way for displaying icons
> Hello,
> Hello as new Spacewalk webUI brought new icons with itself and many of
> those icons are used at many places, scattered across entire webUI, some
> effort would be required if any of those icons would need to be changed
> for whatever reason (sure, nothing that grep and sed can't handle). For
> this reason I've implemented new rhn:icon tag, so icon definitions like
> "fa fa-check-circle fa-1-5x text-success" are all put at one place and
> only this would need to be changed if any changes are needed.
> I am not calling for using rhn:icon for every icon in Spacewalk
> (espetialy those that are used only in one place), but if you know that
> some icon is or will be used multiple times, please consider using the
> new tag. It will make future changes easier ;-)
> Syntax of the new tag is following:
> <rhn:icon type="system-ok" title="I am dangerous shark!" />
> Type is mandatory and it must be one of the HashMap keys specified in
> IconTag.java. Title is optional and as it's name says it will place
> title for the icon.
> Any comments are welcome
> Regards
> --
> Tomáš Kašpárek
> Red Hat Satellite 5, Red Hat
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