Hi Team,

I'm upgrading Spacewalk from 2.4 to 2.8.
In my previously version I've configured jabberd to use the PosgreSQL DB 
because there were some intern issue. All was fine!

Actually, during the spacewalk-setup --upgrade, it trying to connect to the 
/var/lib/jabberd/db/sqlite.db, although I configure both files c2s.xml and 
sm.xml with db -> PosgreSQL. Spacewalk ignores these modifications, changes the 
files and starts with sqlite....

1)      Is it normal? Can we not use other DB actually?

2)      So, let's say I want to use sqlite. what should I do because no DB 
exists since I have all put on PosgreSQL? Is the local sqlite DB stabile with 
the new version?

What would you advise me to do?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

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