Am 13. August 2018 15:48:43 MESZ schrieb Raymond Setchfield 
>Hi all,
>I was wondering if you could assist with this import, and advise why it
>possibly not working;
><class 'Cheetah.Parser.ParseError'>:
>Long-form placeholders - ${}, $(), $[], etc. are not valid inside
>expressions. Use them in top-level $placeholders only.
>Line 303, column 45
>Line|Cheetah Code
>300 |sed -i 's/\#PermitEmptyPasswords no/PermitEmptyPasswords no/'
>${sshd_config} # CIS 5.2.9
>301 |sed -i 's/\#PermitUserEnvironment no/PermitUserEnvironment no/'
>${sshd_config} # CIS 5.2.10
>302 |
>303 |line_num=$(grep -n "^\# Ciphers and keying" ${sshd_config} | cut
>                                                 ^
>304 |sed -i '${line_num} a MACs,
>${sshd_config}  # CIS 5.2.12
>305 |sed -i '${line_num} a Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr'
>${sshd_config}  # CIS 5.2.11
>306 |
>I have attached the kickstart for you to review if needed

You need to escape the bash function ...

sent from my mobile device

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