The moment you've all been waiting for!  spamdyke version 4.0.0-beta1 
has finally passed all of the test scripts and is ready for beta testing.

I'm still working on the documentation for this version, so the README 
file still applies to version 3.1.8.  To install this version, please 
see the file named UPGRADING_version_3_to_version_4.txt in the 
"documentation" directory -- it provides instructions on upgrading 
version 3.1.x to version 4.0.0.  The new flags and features are not yet 
documented, although the curious can get some hints from that file and 
from spamdyke's "--help" option.

As with all beta software, DO NOT install it unless you meet all of the 
following requirements:
    1. You know what you're doing.
    2. You're willing to report both bugs and successes.
    3. You're able to install frequent updates/patches to troubleshoot 
    4. You're willing to risk losing some email.
    5. You're willing to risk upsetting some users.
    6. You have your employer's and users' permission.

Please post any successes, errors, bugs or questions about this version 
to this list (spamdyke-dev).


-- Sam Clippinger

spamdyke-dev mailing list

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