Many mails, one sum up answer :)

rcpt validation
I think the best approach is not building into spamdyke a zillion 
methods to do it, but make it able to call an outside application to get 
the list.

1) spamdyke could periodically (configurable) re-run the application to 
refresh the list.
2) send HUP/USR1 or alike to interactively update
3) You can have whatever way to construct the list, you could even daisy 
chain multiple ones.

Simplest approach is: run the application that outputs an email list. 
Wildcards are the only things to think over IMHO.

Of course it would be nice to have a /contrib in spamdyke with the most 
popular applications. This could be user contributed too.

Address farming

This is a story that has two sides. farming vs. better filtering. An in 
between option would be to have a 'silently-drop' option for invalid 
addresses. Invalid addresses 'go to /dev/null'. Of course you will loose 
legitimate mistyped address bounces, but with smtp you can't have 
everything :/

1) filter invalid rcpt
   pro: less spam
   con: mail address farming
2) do not filter
   pro: no farming
   con: additional spam
3) silently filter
   pro: no farming, less spam (better than 1) because of no farming)
   con: no legitimate bounce

blacklisting and alike

Following the rcpt validation line, I have a suggestion. Instead of 
building different approaches into spamdyke (custom scripts brought into 
the code), it might be feasible to have a log queuing mechanism in 
spamdyke. It would just queue information somewhere and leave the logic 
to the admin. Custom filtering, *list building, etc. methods can be 
constructed and the same app can also update spamdyke-s config.

Just my .02$-s

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