I was just having a random look through my logs and I found something I
don't understand.

I had lots and lots and lots of these (all for the same email address and
IP, over several days)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] origin_ip: ip-of-hostname.mydomain.tld origin_rdns:
(unknown) auth: (unknown)

The source of the message (a notification message) that is being rejected is
a server I own. It definitely does have rDNS (double-checked with dnsstuff)
and for that matter the rdns is hostname.mydomain.tld.

The spamdyke server's hostname is similar -- someotherhostname.mydomain.tld.

I have three nameservers listed in my resolv.conf on the spamdyke machine- (named running locally) and the two OpenDNS servers.

There are plenty of entries in the log of other servers with correctly
looked up rdns, so lookups are working.

Does anybody have any guesses as to what might by wrong? The machine running
spamdyke is on the same subnet as the machine being blocked - it's IP is
only 9 lower than the one being blocked.

In fact I went on to try sending an email to the spamdyke machine from
another server on another IP in the same subnet - it was also rejected on
the basis of no rdns - except again it does have rdns.

Suggestions would be welcome! Spamdyke itself would appear to be working
correctly and doing what it is supposed to be doing. But obviously I'm
missing something or have done something wrong somewhere, but I don't know
what. Something to do with dns lookups I suppose, but I'm at a loss as to


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