Hi all,

I have a few email addresses that are not running on servers that I control.
A lot of them are getting high levels of spam sent to them (coincidentally,
mostly ones where the FROM and TO are both the same and are my email

What I want to somehow do is arrange things so that this email is magically
piped to one of the servers we have running spamdyke, in a way that appears
to spamdyke as though it came directly from the original sender. 

I initially thought of using fetchmail for this but that wouldn't work,
would it? I need to effectively strip the headers belonging to the host that
accepted the email in the first place in order to get anywhere close to what
I want, and fetchmail isn't designed for that as far as I can tell.

So, am I stuffed or might there be some other Linux magic available
somewhere that might help me?


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