Yes...this problem sounds familiar. 

I afraid I can't remember the details or even if it was last mentioned in
this mailing list or another one, but I think it was clamd or qmail-scanner
or something that was found to be the culprit in the end.

I know this is no help but I thought I'd mention it anyway, just in case.

I'm sure Sam will remember it if it was mentioned here*.


* Because Sam is all-knowing and all-powerful. How else would he have been
able to produce the perfect qmail anti-spam solution, and provide such great
support, and have time for a "day job"? But seriously -- I'll bet he would
remember anyway.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:spamdyke-users-
>] On Behalf Of Zekeria Oezdemir
> Sent: 20 August 2009 12:25
> To: 'spamdyke users'
> Subject: Re: [spamdyke-users] corrupt pdf/jpg files
> > I'd suspect recepients' machine to mess with the message (their
> > antivirus scanner etc). AFAIK spamdyke does not modify message body
> > so it's hardly possible it could corrupt your data.
> maybe clamd on the server? so have to check it...
> thanks
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