t...@uncon.org wrote:
> Quoting "Eric Shubert" <e...@shubes.net>:
>> Does this patch activate a timeout effects all (subsequent) read
>> commands? If not, it won't solve the problem. spamdyke usually hangs
>> long after the STARTTLS when it does, and the STARTTLS is successful.
> The patch needs a bit more work. I also need to look at changing how  
> the SSL_shutdown works, as there is a hang-up there too.

I believe that SSL_shutdown is likely where spamdyke is hung most often. 
I can send you some detail logs if you'd like to see them.

I did see just a few (over a period of a few months on a relatively 
light traffic server) that appeared to hang early in the smtp session 
though (perhaps on the starttls - I only had the "info" logs to go on).

> As far as reads go, spamdyke does currently protect those, however,  
> I'm not convinced that there being data available necessarily means  
> that SLL_read won't block (i.e. does 1-byte of encrypted data always  
> equate to 1-byte of non-encrypted data).

Is is feasible to use SSL_* in a non-blocking manner as Teodor wrote 
(first post in this thread), or is there a problem with doing things 
that way?

>> So even with this patch, using TLS with no idle-timeout-secs setting
>> leaves a server vulnerable. Is there some way of requiring an
>> idle-timeout-secs value when TLS is used? Perhaps giving it a relatively
>> high (300) default? If nothing else, --config-test should at least give
>> a warning when TLS is in use and there's no idle-timeout-secs setting.
>> Personally, I'd like to see the idle-timeout-secs setting activated by
>> default.
> It's not just TLS though - not using idle-timeout-secs means your  
> server is vulnerable to a DoS. I agree, the default settings should  
> enable it.

This should probably be discussed under a different thread. I'll start 
one up.


-Eric 'shubes'

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