Dear all,

We have a customer who, for some inexplicable reason, is being sent legit
email from lots and lots of mailservers whose rdns does not resolve. We are
having to whitelist something new on an almost weekly basis.

I've therefore tried to disable reject-unresolvable-rdns for that domain
using the config-dir option, but I'm obviously doing something wrong as it
is not working.

Can someone possibly help me figure out my error please?

My spamdyke.conf contains (amongst other things):

# Make sure all get processed
To protect the innocent, let's say the domain for which I want to disable
reject-unresolvable-rdns is

So in a directory of 

I have a file named "domain" (without the quotes, obviously)
It is owned by root but readable by all. The directory tree leading to it is
also readable by all.

domain contains the following:

(I also want to disable greylisting for this domain)

Note the config-dir-search option in my spamdyke.conf - I added this today
as I realised that Haggybear's wonderful spamdyke control panel for Plesk
was also creating config dirs with _recipient_ in them and I didn't want any
possibility of problems due to that, but it made no difference.
I had also previously just had "reject-unresolvable-rdns" (with no "=1") in
my spamdyke.conf - I added the =1 to match the =0 in the domain file today,
but again no difference.

When I run a config-test I get no errors, and /etc/spamdyke.d/configdir is
listed in the output as being a config-dir and being readable. 
There's no specific mention of the domain file, or _recipients_ or anything
below that, however.

I have restarted qmail and xinetd

Unfortunately, none of this is working, and senders with unresolvable rdns
are still being rejected for that domain unless they are whitelisted.

Any ideas? I'm obviously doing something stupid, but I have no idea what.



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