Very nice explanation Sam.
Thanks for all you do.
-Eric 'shubes'

On 02/14/2012 06:53 PM, Sam Clippinger wrote:
> Yes and no.  From a purely academic standpoint, it takes less work/time for 
> spamdyke to reject a blacklisted recipient than to perform the DNS tests 
> because searching a file is faster than sending and receiving network data 
> (assuming the file isn't huge).  And yes, spamdyke re-reads all of its files 
> (config files, whitelist, blacklist, graylist) for every incoming connection. 
>  Because the OS caches disk access, this doesn't incur much actual overhead.
> However, several factors make this a non-issue.  First, your DNS server is 
> caching the results for the frequent senders, so there's actually very little 
> traffic being generated for those queries.  Second, spamdyke runs its filters 
> in a specific order (listed in the FAQ) in order to disqualify a connection 
> as quickly as possible.  This is because qmail must remain running as long as 
> there is a chance the message will be accepted.  As soon as spamdyke is sure 
> the message will be rejected, it tells qmail to quit and continues talking to 
> the remote server by itself.  From a performance standpoint, closing the 
> process and freeing the memory is a bigger win than the file/DNS comparison.
> Third, and most importantly, spamdyke is going to run the DNS queries whether 
> you add the recipients to your blacklist or not.  In order to try to reject a 
> message as soon as possible, spamdyke runs its filters as soon as the 
> required information is available: rDNS tests are run as soon as spamdyke 
> starts, MX checks are run as soon as the sender is given, etc.  However, even 
> if those tests are positive, spamdyke refrains from sending a rejection until 
> it's sure the message cannot possibly be accepted.  For example, if you use a 
> recipient whitelist, spamdyke can't reject a message until it sees the 
> recipient address -- otherwise it might reject a message too early when the 
> recipient is actually on the whitelist.  The recipient is identified pretty 
> late in the SMTP protocol, so spamdyke may
>   have to hold its rejection for a while for safety.  (In reality, "a while" 
> is typically hundredths of a second.)
> So by the time the recipient address is given and spamdyke /could/ check the 
> recipient blacklist, it's already done the DNS work.  If the DNS tests 
> triggered a filter, the recipient blacklist won't be checked at all.  So 
> there's really no point in using your spamdyke rejection messages to create a 
> recipient blacklist -- it'll never be used anyway.
> Caveat: the third point above doesn't apply if configuration directories are 
> in use.  In that scenario, spamdyke doesn't run any tests until the recipient 
> address is given, so it can first load the config files from the correct 
> configuration directory(s).  When that happens, the recipient blacklist is 
> checked before the DNS tests are run.
> Overall, my advice is: don't worry about it.  If your server is so heavily 
> loaded that a few milliseconds of processing time are critical, you should 
> upgrade the hardware or get a second server (or both).
> -- Sam Clippinger
> On Feb 14, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
>> Watching the logs on my new mail server, I'm having the pleasure of seeing
>> spamdyke knocking lots of incoming spam on the head.
>> In most cases, the incoming messages are getting taken out by RBL_MATCH,
>> SENDER_NO_MX or RDNS_MISSING rules. A lot of the messages would eventually
>> fail anyway because they're being sent to non-existent recipients.
>> My question is, should I bother adding those non-existent recipients to
>> the recipient blacklist file? Does Spamdyke do less work/take less time to
>> reject a message if it finds the recipient in a blacklist than if it has
>> to do an RBL or RDNS check?
>> I imagine that simple string-matching should be faster and more efficient
>> than doing a network-check (RBL or RDNS), but it probably depends on the
>> order in which Spamdyke does the checks, and whether it re-reads the
>> blacklist file for each message it processes.
>> Any recommendations?
>> Angus
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