I have some good news and some bad news...

The good news: spamdyke version 5.0.0 is done, tested and ready.  The biggest 
new feature is recipient validation -- spamdyke uses the qmail's configuration 
files and duplicates qmail's logic to determine if an address is valid, so 
there's no need to maintain a separate file of valid addresses.  The testing 
has taken forever to finish, but it's finally done!

The bad news: the recipient validation feature doesn't work, at least not for 
me.  Imagine my chagrin when I tried to install it on my own server and every 
incoming message was rejected.  I ran all of my unit tests as root, but in the 
real world spamdyke runs as non-root.  qmail is very modular, which means the 
configuration files are owned by different user(s) than the mail folders, which 
means no one non-root user has access to all of the files needed to validate an 
address.  I tried changing the permissions on folders to allow access, but 
qmail will only queue messages and won't deliver them when the permissions are 
too loose.  Running spamdyke as root would work, but I'm just not comfortable 
recommending that as a solution.

So, as soon as I finish wiping the egg off my face, I have another solution in 
mind that should be pretty easy to implement.  But first I need a little help.  
I'd like to know how the file ownership and permissions are setup on different 
qmail servers.  My own server was installed using the instructions from 
lifewithqmail.org and only root can see all the necessary files for recipient 
validation.  However, that may not be true for other installations.  So if a 
few of you are willing, could you send me an email to let me know:
        How your server was installed (QmailToaster, Plesk, lifewithqmail.org, 
qmailrocks.org, etc)?
        In your /var/qmail/users/assign file, what UID and GID are given in 
fields 3 & 4 and what username and group name do those map to?
        The 5th field in /var/qmail/users/assign gives a folder path.  What 
user and group owns those folders and what permissions are set on those folders 
(and the subfolders)?
        There should be a system user named "alias" on your server.  What 
permissions are set on that user's home folder and the ".qmail" files found 

Thanks so much (in advance) for your help!  I was really really looking forward 
to posting the new version today and I'm very disappointed I can't do that.  
Needless to say, I'll be working on fixing this issue as quickly as I can so I 
can roll out the new version ASAP.

-- Sam Clippinger

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