It is our great pleasure to share with you Regine Rapp's newest peer-reviewed paper via Springer Nature:

Regine Rapp
On mycohuman performances: fungi in current artistic research

The paper presents part of Rapp's current theoretical research: It reflects several artists and their artistic research in the field of hybrid art, bio art, or science art, working with Fungi as both subject matter and medium. The work of Saša Spacal, Tarsh Bates and Theresa Schubert is not representational in the manner of traditional fine art, but works rather through performative, multidisciplinary and research-based strategies to produce artwork through fungal material as such. Her research results are based on the series “Nonhuman subjectivities” and “Nonhuman agents” that Christian de Lutz and Regine Rapp conceived and realized at Art Laboratory Berlin (2016–18) in various formats—exhibitions, workshops, lectures and a conference.

This publication can be seen in context of Vera Meyer's Editorial
, that appeared earlier this year.

Feel free to share and forward.

Enjoy reading!*****

Regine Rapp, Christian de Lutz
Prinzenallee 34, 13359 Berlin
















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