
I have been using speedtouch-330's for a few years now with LFS-based 
machines.  I recently  upgraded to kernel and  Linux-atm-2.5.1) and 
all works fine  with a system with a hard-disk.  When I switch to a mirror 
system running from a CDROM,  the modem is recognised but the firmware fails 
to load.  (It fact  it loads but only after the machine is booted and the 
object of the exercise is to have  dialup on booting). 

In desperation,  I tried running  ,/lib/udev/ but I get the 
response "udev firmware loader misses sysfs directory"   I would be grateful 
is someone could explain what this means.

More importantly I am wondering is there a way to force firmware loading?
Suggestions are welcomed.

yours sincerely

As always it will be the poor proletarian and their children who will suffer 
from this economic downturn. The pampered plutocrats, need have no fears. 
They will merely look out on a bleak Dickensian landscape, and wonder why 
they don't eat cake. It was ever thus !
-jeff, Cardiff, UK

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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