==> The 2006 J2 Expedition - Last Update: 28 Apr. 2006.
FromWorld Caving News http://www.zenas.gr/WCN =>  27 Apr. 2006.2006 J2 
Expedition Announcement. Announcing the 2006 J2 Expedition!  We are currently 
planning to field the expedition during the following dates:  Monday, April 3 - 
Friday, May 12, 2006.  This year's expedition will be smaller in scope than the 
last several.  We are planning a shorter stay in thefield and more focused 
activities, aimed at improving the route in J2, especially through the 
dangerous breakdown at -1070 m, and establishing Camp 3 at the current end of 
exploration to push onward. A new technology that we hope to test this year 
will be hydropower for underground camps.  If we are successful, we should be 
able to recharge drill batteries and lights in cave. Bart Hogan is working on 
rechargeable lithium-polymer batteries for the drills.  We also hope to have 
some kind of cave-to-surface communication system to help coordinate moving 
people and equipment into and out of cave camp.  Everyone should consider 
bringing a light wetsuit for the lower parts of the cave.  This will help 
reduce rigging requirements if we do not have to avoid all immersion, and we 
already have the ex-sump to swim through.With any luck we will make J2 the 
deepest cave in Mexico and the Western Hemisphere by next May.  We only have to 
go down another 400 meters, a little over half of what we gained in 2005, to 
reach that goal. Think deep!John Kerr and Mark Minton, Co-leaders for 20062006 
J2 Expedition UpdatesJ2 is an international caving expedition to the cave by 
the same name in Oaxaca, Mexico. It was organized by Mark Minton and John Kerr. 
J2 is quite possible the missing link between Sistema Cheve and the Cheve 
resurgence, which has been dye traced at a depth of -2,500 meters. This year's 
J2 expedition is six weeks long, and began at the beginning of April. The 
cavers there include Bill Stone and Al Warild. Bill Steele will keep us updated 
with the latest news from the expedition. 2006 J2 Expedition LinksA related 
article from the ...

==> Cave closed to novices.
FromWorld Caving News http://www.zenas.gr/WCN => 28 Apr. 2006.Spelunkers hoping 
to explore a popular western Utah County cave will have to crawl through a few 
hoops first.Source: http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,635203217,00.html

==> Therion users meeting
FromWorld Caving News http://www.zenas.gr/WCN => 27 Apr. 2006.There could be 
the meeting of therion users from August 1th at Slovakia in Lower Tatra 
mountains not far from Cave of dead bats. The coordinates are: 48°55'59.93"N, 
19°35'54.26"E , 1550 m altitude. The accommodation will be in regular tourist 
hut, with food, electricity, warm water and so on. There will be also a meeting 
of Slovak speleological society from 3. - 7.8. 2006 there, so it is possible to 
be there till  August 7th and do some caving.Please send me a mail  ( 
martinsluka @ mac.com ) if you are interesting to participate on this meeting 
and what would be interesting for you to solve.Looking forward to meet youBest 

SpeleoUnion http://groups.google.ru/group/SpeleoUnion

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