Hello List,

I recently started using Sphinx and I have to say it has been the
easiest code documentation tool I have ever used.  A big thank you to
the developers!

However, I have run into a situation that I suspect Sphinx may be able
to handle, but cannot find a clear path forward.

Consider a large project that is made up of several independent sub-

|- SubProject1/
|  |- doc
|     # Sphinx documentation for sub-project 1
|- SubProject2/
|  |- doc
|     # Sphinx documentation for sub-project 2
|- doc/
   # Sphinx documentation that covers general aspects of BigProject
   # that are outside of the scope of sub-project 1 or sub-project 2

The idea is that each sub-project is able to stand alone; i.e. I can
tar up the subtree and the resulting archive contains a complete
project with it's own documentation that can be distributed
independently of the big project.  However, I would like to produce
some master documentation that contains material that does not fall
within the scope of any of the sub-projects and also includes the
subproject documentation, possibly in the style of an appendix.

I figure that I can do this by symlinking the BigProject/SubProject/
doc/source directories into BigProject/doc/source and making sure that
BigProject/doc/source/conf.py is set up so that python modules in each
sub-project can be located by autodoc.

However, this project will be deployed across platforms (Windows,
Linux, OS X) and the symlinks could cause trouble on Windows.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this situation?

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