Another note in my instructions (sent in previously sent email)...

... see below ...

Hi all --

How are folks generating PDF via LaTeX on Windows? I have Sphinx and
MikTex installed but that still leaves me stuck with how to execute the
Makefile that is generated as part of the latex build. Is there a
straightforward way to do this without installing cygwin? Is there a
minimum subset of GNU tools that need to be installed on a Windows 7
machine to minimally be able to build the LaTeX into PDF?



In  Step 2: Install Python: For Windows users only --

NOTE: For most Windows machines, you will need to add a 'make.exe' file to
your 'Python27' directory after you install Python. This allows for the
PDF build ('make latexpdf' command).

I have a make.exe file that each user copies over to their local


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