On Mon, 2010-06-21 at 10:11 +0200, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> On 06/18/10 21:37, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > After a lot of work I finally got the marshaller/demarshaller work in a
> > state where its interesting for others to look at and test. It works in
> > my testing on both linux and win32, between both pre-marshaller versions
> > (both ways) and between post-marshaller versions.
> i.e. spice client can talk to both 0.4 and unstable spice servers now?

No, but it can be made to. Right now it just handles the current
upstream protocol.

> > Python is now an additional dependency when building from git (not when
> > building from tarballs though). You also need the pyparsing module.
> Just noticed that RHEL-6 doesn't ship pyparsing ...

Well, for RHEL we'll build from tarballs that will ship the generated

> > There are some things that are still not ideal due to all the types in
> > spice/draw.h being used in the qxl PCI ABI, so those could not be
> > internalized and changed. For instance, some of the image type use
> > inline data arrays which are unnecessarily copied in the current setup.
> > This will be fixed when we the qxl ABI is split out from the
> > spice-private structures and those can be changed.
> Ok.  Was just about to ask what the status here is ;)
> What is the plan?
> Can the python code generator also be used for the qxl struct translation?
> This is one of the items pretty high on my priority list as it needs to 
> be done for 0.4 compatibility for guest drivers ...

The plan is to do this soon, its obviously the next step in making this
really work. There is some initial work in bugzilla at:


But i have not looked at it.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       al...@redhat.com            alexander.lars...@gmail.com 
He's a suicidal hunchbacked grifter from a doomed world. She's a cynical 
Buddhist politician in the wrong place at the wrong time. They fight crime! 

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