On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Alexander Larsson <al...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 10:53 +0200, Attila Sukosd wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I thought I'll post an update on the Mac client. I have it up and
> > running using the latest sources from the git dev. Event handler is
> > doing select(), playback and recording is done with PortAudio, R and B
> > re-swapped for peer_major == 1, and CEGUI is disabled since it caused
> > a LOT of issues...
> Epic. Can you put up patches somewhere? I guess this still uses X11 on
> osx, right?
> Yea, it is using X11. Porting to Cocoa would be a rather bigger job. I'll
try to clean it up a bit and upload a patch somewhere...

> > So now I'm only facing a few minor issues/things I've noticed:
> >
> > 1. Video playback seem to stop after a few seconds, but if the window
> > is moved around or scrolled the video playback resumes again for a few
> > seconds. I've tried it with VLC, windows media player and flash video
> > players (youtube). Also, sometimes only the center square gets updated
> > but not the rest. It is not very consistent as sometimes the video
> > plays back fine..
> Weird. No idea...
> > 2. Bandwidth usage seemed to have increased, with the v0.4 client ive
> > been seeing 1-2MB/s for full screen HD video playback, while with the
> > current one I've been seeing peeks of 8-9MB/s on a 100mbit network
> Yeah, there has been some changes with e.g. the offscreen surfaces, etc
> that probably needs tweaking to get back to previous levels. Once we're
> feature frozen and have all this down we need to sit down and measure
> and tweak things.
> > 3. We didn't receive (as far as I'm aware) the linux firefox plugin
> > for the client with our RH beta package, and Im not sure where to find
> > it? I've ended up creating a launcher script, associated that with
> > spice:// protocol in firefox and modified the javascript on the
> > management machine to redirect to a spice:// address in case the
> > plugin wasn't found. Not sure if this is the best way of doing it?
> spice-xpi is not on freedesktop.org atm. I guess we should maybe put it
> up, although i don't know if its generally useful for non-rhel
> customers.
> I had a quick glance at the spice-xpi, but it seems way too complicated for
a simple function of launching the spice client with the correct
arguments... Though that might just be me :)

> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>  Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc
>       al...@redhat.com            alexander.lars...@gmail.com
> He's an unconventional guerilla shaman plagued by the memory of his
> family's
> brutal murder. She's a virginal junkie pearl diver on the trail of a serial
> killer. They fight crime!
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