
I'm sorry to disturb, i want to try to develop a spice client with some features like adding visual effects. I try to see all possibilities for a projet about retrogaming this is the last part. I found Spice interesting, i have a good render, it's quick, i just want to customize.

I don't have really habit to work on c/c++ i worked on ihm with visual c++ there is a lot of time, but the most of time i work with java or c#.  I know it will not be easy but i want to try, i want to make my projet compatible for linux and windows.

I need some advices to quick begin, like a basic client sample, i can't find anything on the web. I saw documentation but it's pretty difficult without a basic example, furthermore i'm french and for me english is an additionnal difficulty.

Thank a lot.

Best regards.

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