I have code that's been working with an earlier version of 0.2

 after svn up tonight I find this odd behaviour, that is table.c is busted 
until the first 
query is executed. Then that table starts working, but other tables are broken 
until I perform a select on them.

Revision: 1654


I'm using sqlalchemy w/ python2.4 on windows with paste

table.c.keys() returns an empty list AND

this code fails on when building up the query (that is, table.c[k] raises an 
(for example, k='id')

                args = []
                if criteria:
                    for k, v in criteria.items():
                        args.append(table.c[k] == v)
                # if there's no criteria or whatever, so they
                # want everything. Need an extra arg to
                # allow dumping everything
                if args or form.get('selectall'):
                    records = table.select(*args)

However if I execute a query without any criteria first, THEN table.c.keys() 
and table.c['id'] works


to clarify

1. start up paste app

2. try table.c['id'] == '1' and I get this exception:

 line 66 in __call__
  args.append(table.c[k] == v)
File 'e:\\prj\\src\\sqlalchemy\\lib\\sqlalchemy\\util.py', line 114 in 
  return self.__data[key]
File 'e:\\prj\\src\\sqlalchemy\\lib\\sqlalchemy\\util.py', line 174 in 
  return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
exceptions.KeyError: 'id'

3. or table.c.keys() returns []

4. then try  table.select(*[])  that returns all rows in the table ok

5. and now table.c.keys() returns the columns and table.c['id'] works

6. try another table, and it's also broken until a select is performed.

Brad Clements,                [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (315)268-1000
AOL-IM or SKYPE: BKClements

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