On May 26, 9:43 am, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:

> but if after_commit() is called and after_flush() is not called, that means 
> nothing was flushed.  

Right. So, for example, for a request that only does SELECTs, nothing
will be flushed, but after the request, I still do session.commit(),
because hasn't a transaction been started automatically? Or does SQL
Alchemy only start a transaction if there are writes to do?

> Usually the way to go about this is to populate a distinct collection of 
> events when objects are created:
> foo = MyObject()
> Session.add(foo)
> add_commit_event(some_callable)
> [snip]
> the session extension then pops from _after_commit_tasks.

Apart from coupling the two parts of the code, which is what I was
trying to avoid, what's the difference here? In after_commit,
session._after_commit_tasks would, in this case, contain the same as
session.new, right?

> You can expire the attribute manually ahead of time if you want it to reload 
> its value (should be fine within after_commit).

I think this is what I need. I'll give it a go. Thanks.

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