Hi everyone, I'm getting in troubles doing some experiments with
sqlalchemy (0.6.3) orm. Here are two code snippets to show the
problems I'm encountering.

## map_1.py
engine = create_engine("mysql://user:passw...@localhost/mydb")
metadata = MetaData(engine)

parent_table = Table('parent', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
child_table = Table('child', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('parent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('parent.id')))


engine.execute(parent_table.insert(), [{'id':1}, {'id':2}, {'id':3},
engine.execute(child_table.insert(), [{'parent_id':1}, {'parent_id':
2}, {'parent_id':2}, {'parent_id':2}])

## map_2.py
engine = create_engine("mysql://user:passw...@localhost/mydb")
metadata = MetaData(engine)

parent_table = Table("parent", metadata, autoload=True)
child_table = Table("child", metadata, autoload=True)

class Parent(object):
class Child(object):

mapper(Parent, parent_table, properties={'children':
mapper(Child, child_table)

Session = sessionmaker()
sess = Session()
res = sess.query(Parent).all()
print res[0].children

Everything works fine for map_1.py, but when I run map_2.py I get the
following error:

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not determine join condition
between parent/child tables on relationship Parent.children.  Specify
a 'primaryjoin' expression.  If this is a many-to-many relationship,
'secondaryjoin' is needed as well.
Process terminated with an exit code of 1

Can anyone point me out what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance!

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