> the most idiomatic way to handle this is to merge the objects in: 
> obj = session.merge(existing_object) 
> this will emit a SELECT for the existing row, then copy the state of 
> "existing_object" to an object located for that primary key, if found.   
>  It ensures that the correct choice of "pending" or "persistent" is made 
> depending on if the row already exists. 

Thanks for your response Michael. It wasn't clear from my original post, 
but I am using merge to copy from PROD to DEV. My merge function looks 
something like this (simplified, but I'm copying multiple entities)

session_dest.expunge_all()  # large object graphs were causing me to run 
low on memory, so I merge them one at a time and then clear the local cache.

So, assuming DEV has a single record {acct_id: 1, env_id: 1}  and I'm 
copying a record {acct_id: 1, env_id: 4} from PROD, it incorrectly thinks 
that this record should be INSERTed, when in fact there is a constraint 
(acct_id must be unique) that prevents this.

The more I evaluate this, the more I think that correctly modeling the 
unique constraint will fix my problem. Then my before_update handler would 
function but would properly UPDATE the record.


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