Am 23.05.2013, 21:03 Uhr, schrieb Sean Lynch <>:

Thank you for the very detailed reply.  I know with NHibernate a lot of
their drivers don't support it and under the hood it will fall back to
executing them immediately when a .future() is placed.  Maybe SQLAlchemy
could do something similar based on the support of the current DBAPI (which
at this point looks to just be MySQLdb).

Support isn't limited to MySQLdb but as the feature is not detailed in the Python DB-API, each driver does it differently if at all. Eg. mysql-connector has the format

cursor.execute(sql, multi=True)

You can always get to the underlying connection and cursor as Mike explained to me last week:

conn  = sql.session.connection().connection
cursor = conn.cursor()
# do your magic

For an overview of what databases support what degree of functionality you can do worse than check the mxODBC documentation which provides detailed information for the most common backends and a unified Python interface to them.

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226

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