   I've been banging my head against this one for several days now, and 
aside from a three year-old post here, I've come up empty.

I've got a python module that defines a set of Declarative models that 
several other applications may use. What I'd like is some way to for the 
individual applications to sub-class the existing Declarative objects, 
without adding any new SQL functionality. Specifically, I'd just like to 
add application-specific helper code to the objects. As an example.

[SQLA setup of Base class here]
class Alice(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'alice'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   value = Column(String)

class Bob(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'bob'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   subval = Column(String)
   alice_id = Colum(Integer, ForeignKey('alice.id'))
   alice = relationship('Alice', backref='bobs')

import some_model

class MyAlice(some_model.Alice):
   def myfunc(self):

class MyBob(some_model.Bob):
   def otherfunc(self):

This actually works okay out of the box if I select on the subclasses:
DBSession.query(MyAlice).filter(MyAlice.id==5).first() -> MyAlice(...)

The problem, of course, is relations:
a = DBSession.query(MyAlice).filter(MyAlice.id=1).first()
a.bobs -> [Bob(...), Bob(...), Bob(...)]
instead of
a.bobs -> [MyBob(...), MyBob(...), MyBob(...)]

I suspect there's some way to tell the ORM to Do The Right Thing here, but 
I have no idea what it might be. I'd like the particular applications to be 
as unaware of the underlying table information as possible. I guess in 
essence I'm trying to separate business logic from the DB logic as much as 
possible. Maybe I'm heading down a dead-end... I'm open to better 


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