Hi folks,

While running my test suite, I hit an issue with the following stack trace:

ERROR at setup of test_track_before_delete

request = <SubRequest 'database_session' for <Function 
'test_track_before_delete'>>, engine = Engine(sqlite:///test.db) 



    def database_session(request, engine): 

        connection = engine.connect() 

        trans = connection.begin() 


        meta.Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False, 
autoflush=True, bind=connection)) 




>       @event.listens_for(meta.Session, "after_transaction_end") 

        def restart_savepoint(session, transaction): 

            if transaction.nested and not transaction._parent.nested: 



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

py:94: in decorate 

    listen(target, identifier, fn, *args, **kw) 

py:63: in listen 

    _event_key(target, identifier, fn).listen(*args, **kw) 

registry.py:187: in listen 

    self.dispatch_target.dispatch._listen(self, *args, **kw) 

py:184: in _listen 

    event_key.base_listen(propagate=propagate, insert=insert, named=named) 

registry.py:226: in base_listen 

    for_modify(target.dispatch).append(self, propagate) 

py:118: in append 

    registry._stored_in_collection(event_key, self) 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 


event_key = <sqlalchemy.event.registry._EventKey object at 0x111c6b3d0>, 
owner = <sqlalchemy.event.attr._DispatchDescriptor object at 0x10eac8590> 


    def _stored_in_collection(event_key, owner): 

        key = event_key._key 


        dispatch_reg = _key_to_collection[key] 


        owner_ref = owner.ref 

        listen_ref = weakref.ref(event_key._listen_fn) 


        if owner_ref in dispatch_reg: 

>           assert dispatch_reg[owner_ref] == listen_ref 

E           assert <weakref at 0x111cc25d0; dead> == <weakref at 0x111cc2af8
; to 'function' at 0x111c7f668 (restart_savepoint)> 


registry.py:74: AssertionError

While running the @event.listens_for decorator in the setup of a test 
fixture, SQLAlchemy throws an assertion because the ref it has in the 
dispatch registry isn't identical to the ref to the listener function. 
 We're on SQLAlchemy 0.9.7, pytest 2.6.4.  Note that the test suite is 
setting up nested transactions on SQLite; we are using the recommended 
workaround from SQLAlchemy documentation to take control of transactional 
integration from pysqlite.

Since there's an assertion in the code in _stored_in_collection(), I assume 
that there's some expectation that the refs might not match; am I doing 
something wrong in my setup which this assertion is meant to catch?  I've 
only seen this error once (while tracking down a different nondeterministic 
error in my own app's code), so I can't provide much more information than 
this, but the portion of test fixture code seen above in the stack trace is 
basically the entire reproduction case.  This fixture runs before every 
test in my suite, but I've only seen an error once across a large number of 
runs, so the error is *very* intermittent.  Because of that, I'm not 
worried too much about the error itself, but I thought I should post it 
here in case it's a symptom of something I should be worrying about.


Evan James

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