On 9/15/15 4:52 PM, Mourad Ben Cheikh wrote:
I am using sqlalchemy in flask, essentially through flask-sqlalchemy, and my goal is to generate and execute queries on the fly. I am pretty new to sqlalchemy ( a great challenge and a great work) I am using a model generated by automap.
The entities are automap classes

I managed to produce a select expression like this one:

>>> expr
<sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select at 0x7fa067022b10; Select object>

>>> print expr

SELECT devis."N_Devis" AS "N\xb0Devis", devis."Date" AS "Date", devis."Code Client" AS "Code Client", (SELECT client."Nom" FROM client WHERE client."Code" = devis."Code Client") AS "Nom Client",
              devis."Nom Contact" AS "Nom Contact"
FROM devis

Note the embbed query (I formatted manually the print result here for easy reading). This expression works perfectly when submitted directly to the RDBMS (mysql)

the probleme come when i generate the correspondant query

you wouldn't want to do this. If you have a select() object and just want the rows back, you'd call:

result = db.session.execute(expr)

If OTOH you have some objects to get back, you'd want to say:

q = db.session.query(MyClass).from_statement(my_select)

>>> Query
<sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query object at 0x7fa066fe1390>

>>> print Query
SELECT"N\xb0Devis" AS "N\xb0Devis", "Date" AS "Date", "Code Client" AS "Code Client", "Nom Client" AS "Nom Client", "Nom Contact" AS "Nom Contact" FROM (SELECT devis."N_Devis" AS "N\xb0Devis", devis."Date" AS "Date", devis."Code Client" AS "Code Client", (SELECT client."Nom"
FROM client
WHERE client."Code" = devis."Code Client") AS "Nom Client", devis."Nom Contact" AS "Nom Contact"
FROM devis)

The entire inital query was embedded as a subquery in the FROM clause

>>> Query.count()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mb/envjam/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 442, in do_execute
    cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
File "/home/mb/envjam/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 205, in execute
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
File "/home/mb/envjam/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 36, in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
OperationalError: (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (1248, 'Every derived table must have its own alias')

So, maybe i'm missing something , or maybe it's the flask-sqlalchemy environment, my db object being an SQLAlchemy class of flask-sqlalchemy:

>>> db
<SQLAlchemy engine='mysql://root:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@localhost/biogal?charset=utf8'>

I know I coud add an alias to avoid the error, but doing so I end in other issues with my soft.

My question is: how to tell the query object to keep the initial expression inchanged ?

Thank you for your help

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