On 02/22/2017 11:28 AM, Matthew Brookes wrote:

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the pointers. I take your point about directionality, but it
feels like this is a special case that intuitively should work the same
way for a single model that it does for two. However for now, it does
what it does.

SQLAlchemy is thinking relationally here. The load of A->B implies a very simple kind of SELECT and in the case of two separate foreign keys here it does not, it implies something much more involved e.g. a UNION of two selects.

I took at look at using a union @property, and while it does work to
return both sides of the relationship, it does not, as you say support
querying. I took a look at
and I"ll be honest, I didn't understand most of it. Also
seems to suggest that only predefined queries would be possible?

I'm wondering if instead I should use one-to-many relationships, and use
an event to create the opposing relationship when a relationship is
added? Would appreciate your thoughts.

A lot of times people just store two association rows in either direction. This is the case that I've used when I've built social networks that are storing "friends" - it's usually ends up being a good idea that you store "A is a friend of B" separately from "B is a friend of A", since later on you can add modifiers like "A says they're a friend from high school" and "B says they're a friend from college", sort of thing.


On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 23:25:27 UTC, Mike Bayer wrote:

    you want "Node.connected" to be the set of all nodes connected in
    direction.    The problem is that relationally, all graphs are
    "directed", so we have the "left", "right" aspect of things.

    The easiest way to get ".connected" as the union of both sets
    (hint!) is
    to just union them in Python.   Give Node a "left_nodes" and
    "right_nodes" relationship (example: see

    then make a regular Python @property that returns
    "self.left_nodes.union(self.right_nodes)", easy enough.

    If you want to get into querying this relationally, then you need to do
    the UNION on the SQL side and you'd need to get into creating a mapping
    against a UNION and then building a relationship to it.  This is
    significantly more involved and would be using some of the
    techniques at

    But, a @property that does a Python union of two relationships, quick
    and easy.

    On 02/21/2017 04:43 PM, Matthew Brookes wrote:
    > I apologize if this is well trodden ground, but having googled, and
    > stack-overflowed, read the docs, and searched this list, where
    lots of
    > people have asked the same (or similar) questions, I couldn't find a
    > concrete answer...
    > I'm trying to set up a Model such that an entry can be connected
    to one
    > or more other entries, and that the reverse relationship can be found
    > from the same attribute.
    > Effectively I'm trying to do this:
    > ```
    > from sqlalchemy import Integer, ForeignKey, String, Column, Table
    > from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    > from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
    > Base = declarative_base()
    > node_to_node = Table("node_to_node", Base.metadata,
    >     Column("left_node_id", Integer, ForeignKey("node.id
    <http://node.id>"), primary_key=True),
    >     Column("right_node_id", Integer, ForeignKey("node.id
    <http://node.id>"), primary_key=True)
    > )
    > class Node(Base):
    >     __tablename__ = 'node'
    >     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    >     label = Column(String)
    >     connected = relationship("Node",
    >                         secondary=node_to_node,
    >                         primaryjoin=id==node_to_node.c.left_node_id,
    >                         backref="connected"
    >     )
    > ```
    > However, that naturally fails (`Error creating backref
    'translations' on
    > relationship 'Sentence.translations': property of that name
    exists`) as
    > there's no magic to figure out that `translations` should be
    > bi-directional.
    > Is there another way to achieve this?
    > Thanks!
    > Matt.
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