I've gotten around the issue for now like so:

Base = automap_base()

def iter_object(obj):
    return ((c.key, getattr(obj, c.key)) for c in 

class MediacloudStory(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'mediacloud_stories'
    def __iter__(self): return iter_object(self)

engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL)
Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)

session = Session(engine)

for mc_story in session.query(MediacloudStory).all():


On Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 2:06:22 AM UTC-4, Al Johri wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using sqlalchemy.ext.automap like so:
> engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL)
> Base = automap_base()
> Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
> MediacloudStory = Base.classes.mediacloud_stories
> session = Session(engine)
> for mc_story in session.query(MediacloudStory).all():
>     print(mc_story)
> I expect to be able to run dict(mc_story) to get the result as a dictionary 
> but I am unable to do so. I get this error:
> TypeError: 'mediacloud_stories' object is not iterable
> I am able to convert it to a dictionary using inspection though.
> from sqlalchemy import inspect def object_as_dict(obj): return {c.key: 
> getattr(obj, c.key) for c in inspect(obj).mapper.column_attrs}
> The function above works fine.
> It seems like dict(myobj) should be supported. 
> Thanks,
> Al

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