this area of batch migrations is not well developed, has to deal with some impossible situations due to SQLite's poor design (allowing unnamed constraints, not to mention that they refuse to implement ALTER), and is also in flux (as Alembic is relying upon a buggy behavior in SQLAlchemy w.r.t the naming convention feature here).

IIRC the naming convention linkage with batch migrations only has to do with constraints that are unnamed when reflected from the database. That might also be buggy.

I do notice that you have some reflect_args set up to try helping it with the Boolean datatype and that might be throwing things off, not sure. Or, you can add the constraint_name argument to each of those Boolean types which would hopefully force it to be the right name (see

Current SQLAlchemy (1.1) *will* reflect CHECK constraints on SQLite, the alembic docs are out of date on this. In theory, your naming convention should have no impact because these constraints are coming back with names already. I'd confirm that these names include the naming convention already in the database, then try running without any of the reflect_args added. in theory these boolean datatypes / constraints should work without any intervention.

for further help I'd need to build this up here and there are likely more bugs on the Alembic side to be fixed.

On 04/11/2017 10:58 PM, Peter Erickson wrote:
I'm sure that I'm missing a subtle point with batch migrations and
naming conventions for SQLite databases, but I can't figure out what I'm
doing wrong. After renaming a table, I'm using a batch migration to
update a foreign key in a child table. However, after recreating the
child table 2 CHECK constraints (being created from a Boolean) aren't
being named according to the specified naming convention.

To ensure that this post doesn't get too long, here are the parts I
think are relevant. I can add more if needed.

naming_convention = {
    "ix": "ix_%(column_0_label)s",
    "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
    "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
    "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
    "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s"

class RulesetMatch(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'ruleset_matches'
    viewed = Column(Boolean(name='view_bool'), default=False)
    hide = Column(Boolean(name='hide'), default=False)

# sqlite3 data-dev.sqlite .schema

CREATE TABLE ruleset_matches (
    viewed BOOLEAN,
    hide BOOLEAN,
    CONSTRAINT pk_ruleset_matches PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT ck_ruleset_matches_view_bool CHECK (viewed IN (0, 1)),
    CONSTRAINT ck_ruleset_matches_hide CHECK (hide IN (0, 1))

# migration script

def upgrade():
    with op.batch_alter_table(
                Column('viewed', Boolean(name='view_bool')),
                Column('hide', Boolean(name='hide'))]) as batch_op:
        # drop_constraint
        # create_foreign_key

# sqlite3 data-dev.sqlite .schema

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "ruleset_matches" (
    viewed BOOLEAN,
    hide BOOLEAN,
    CONSTRAINT pk_ruleset_matches PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT view_bool CHECK (viewed IN (0, 1)),
    CONSTRAINT hide CHECK (hide IN (0, 1)),

As shown in the last schema, the CHECKS are named "view_bool" and "hide"
unlike what it was previously "ck_ruleset_matches_view_bool" and
"ck_ruleset_matches_hide." If I remove the "name" attribute in
reflect_args or remove reflect_args all together, the CHECK constraints
are unnamed. Removing the naming_convention doesn't seem to affect
anything. What do I need to do to ensure that the constraints are named

alembic 0.9.1
sqlalchemy 1.1.9

Thanks in advance.

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