On 04/19/2017 07:27 AM, Adrian wrote:
I have this relationship which adds a
`ContributionType.proposed_abstracts` backref that contains only
abstracts not flagged as deleted.

    contrib_type = relationship(
        'ContributionType', lazy=True, foreign_keys=contrib_type_id,
primaryjoin='(Abstract.contrib_type_id == ContributionType.id) &
~Abstract.is_deleted', lazy=True)

This works perfectly fine but unfortunately a
`session.delete(some_contribution_type)` now does not NULL out the
contrib_type_id of an abstract that
has been flagged as deleted.

can you clarify what "now" means?  what's the version that "worked" ?

Is there any way to use different join criteria for deletion cascades
and for just accessing the relationship? Or do I need to hook into the
event for this?

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