On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 8:08 PM, Tony Wang <plantpark....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I simplify a complex system of gevent with sqlachemy to a simple demo code.
> Before using of sqlachemy, pymysql is my best choice for communication
> between MySql and gevent because of its easy and direct usage. But now I
> feel a little confusing, what's the best way to make the two (gevent and
> sqlachemy) work efficiently.
> In pymysql case, though some "_io.BufferedReader " errors would happen, it
> doesn't affect the INSERT or UPDATE operations.
> In sqlalchemy case, it's quite different in the opposite. Much more errors
> and little success.
> After searching around for such errors, some
> solutions[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/gevent/SQLAlchemy/gevent/eGLfR7JV0kk/hg1kicBJeQkJ]
> for similar error didn't work.
> Demo code :
> https://gist.github.com/tonywangcn/6dadbd58d7778063b0c7969f62505537

so first, do not use the "threadlocal" strategy.  It is legacy and
should never be used:
. With gevent, I'd expect it to be disastrous:

self.engine = create_engine(
echo=True, pool_size=50, max_overflow=100, pool_recycle=3600,

so remove that.

Next, you are manipulating the private state of the QueuePool after
its been constructed:

self.engine.pool._use_threadlocal = True

Never alter the value of an underscore variable in any library, the
underscore means "private".   The effect of setting this flag after
the fact is that the QueuePool will be in an essentially broken state
since the constructor needs to know about this flag; in this specific
case, the "threadlocal" engine strategy means the flag was already set
in any case so it isn't having any effect, but this code should be

Next, you are creating many Engine objects, one for each operation via
insert_data() -> SqlHelper() -> create_engine().  This is an
antipattern as there should be exactly one Engine within the Python
process for a given URL, and should be called at the module level,
outside of the instantiation of objects (unless the object itself is
created once-per-process).  same goes for the sessionmaker().

> More details for error
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45113145/the-right-way-to-use-gevent-with-sqlalchemy
> Thanks!
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