Just so I understand what you're asking?

You want the minimum price per product (across all colors), as well as the
list of colors?
A result set looking something like this?

| Attribute | Min Price | Colors           |
| Attr_1    | 10        | [blue,red,green] |
| Attr_2    | 200       | [violet,scarlet] |
| Attr_3    | 30        | [orange, yellow] |

Or do you want the min price per color, attribute combination?

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 10:00 PM Andrew M <and...@mackiefamily.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to use distinct inside a group_by query, e.g.:
> session.query(Product.attribute_x, func.min(Product.price),
> distinct(Product.color)). group_by(Product.attribute_x)
> That is, for each value of attribute_x, I want to find the lowest price
> and all of the colors available.
> I don't seem to be able to use distinct in this way. Can anyone please
> suggest an efficient method of identifying the distinct colors for each
> value of attribute_x (without creating a new query for each value of
> attribute_x)?
> Thank you,
> Andrew
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