I have a table Activity that had a strategic_project_name column.
I removed the strategic_project_name column from the declarative definition 
of the Activity table and then the strategic_project_name column from the 
database itself.

Now I get this error message every time I try to update the one Activity 

, line 552, in do_execute
    cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn) column 
"strategic_project_name" does not exist

[SQL: UPDATE activity SET subtitle=%(subtitle)s WHERE activity.id = %(
[parameters: {'activity_id': 200, 'subtitle': 'gjh'}]

which is very odd because the SQL doesn't contain the column 

If I manually create a strategic_project_name column in the database 
activity table, it starts to work again, so it's not referring to some 
different table.

I can't track why does sqlalchemy think that Activity would still have a 
"strategic_project_name" column. I removed all the occurrencies of the word 
"strategic_project_name" from my whole project, but I'm still getting this 

Do you have any advice on how to track this in the internals of sqlalchemy?

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