Hi all,

I'm working on a REST API which is built using Flask-SQLAlchemy and 
Connexion. I'm fairly new to SQLAlchemy, but it's been brilliant so far 
:) This API uses SQLAlchemy 1.3.16, and connects to an Oracle Database (12c 64bit). 

I'm having an issue generating the correct SQL from a SQLAlchemy query. I 
would really appreciate any help. The troublesome function is shown below.
def similar_matches(input_descriptor, threshold, lim=None, offset): 

  query = db.select([tbl, text(":q_descriptors as query_descriptors, 
comparison(descriptors, :q_descriptors) as 
  where( text("comparison(descriptors, :q_descriptors) >=  
q_threshold").bindparams(q_descriptor=input_descriptor, q_threshold = 

  res = query.execute().fetchall() 

  if len(res)=0 return '', 204 

  return MatchLimaScheme(many = True).dump(res) 

This SQLAlchemy code takes two inputs (descriptor and threshold), and 
searches through each descriptor in an Oracle database, calculating a 
similarity measure  between the queried descriptor and each stored 
descriptor. All rows where similarity score >= threshold are returned in a 

The above code works fine, but returns all results - whereas I want to also 
be able to include a .offset() and a .limit() (for lazy loading). The code 
above generates SQL along these lines:
SELECT ID, last_modified, descriptors, :q_descriptors as query_descriptors, 
comparison(descriptors, :q_descriptors) as similarity' FROM tbl WHERE 
compare(descriptors, :q_descriptors) >= :q_threshold 

which works well. However, when I add .limit() or .offset() on the end of 
my query i.e.
query = db.select([tbl, text(":q_descriptors as query_descriptors, 
comparison(descriptors, :q_descriptors) as similarity" 
text("comparison(descriptors, :q_descriptors) >= :q_threshold") 
.bindparams(q_descriptor=input_descriptor,q_threshold = 

The SQL generated changes to be along these lines: 
SELECT ID, last_modified, descriptors FROM (SELECT tbl.ID as ID, 
tbl.last_modified as last_modified, tbl.descriptors as descriptors, 
:q_descriptors as query_descriptors, comparison(descriptors, 
:q_descriptors) as similarity) FROM tbl WHERE compare(descriptors, 
:q_descriptors) >= :q_threshold WHERE ROWNUM <= :q_limit 

As a raw SQL query this is fine, but I'm no longer including the 
query_descriptors and similarity metrics in my SELECT clause. Thus I get a 
columnNotFoundError. How do I adjust the .select() function above so that 
my SQL looks more like:
SELECT ID, last_modified, descriptors, query_descriptors, similarity FROM 
(SELECT tbl.ID as ID, tbl.last_modified as last_modified, tbl.descriptors 
as descriptors,:q_descriptors as query_descriptors comparison(descriptors, 
:q_descriptors) as similarity' FROM tbl WHERE compare(descriptors, 
:q_descriptors) >= :q_threshold WHERE ROWNUM <= :q_limit OFFSET :q_offset 

Basically, I'm looking to explicitly tell SQLAlchemy that I want to SELECT 
tbl AND query_descriptors AND similarity.

I've also been informed that it's bad practice to not include a .order_by() 
in these queries, but I don't think that is what's causing the issue here. 
It is on my to do list though.

Please let me know if I need to provide more information.

Thanks for any help,


SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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