I would like to do a conditional insert of a a single row. This is often 
useful in a CRUD app for checking permissions and inserting in a single 
database call:

INSERT INTO project (name, user_id)
SELECT :name, :user_id
    SELECT 1
    FROM users
    WHERE id = :user_id
        and role = :admin_role

In SQLAlchemy I use the following which isn't the most beautiful:

ins = insert(Project).from_select(
    ['name', 'user_id'], 
        bindparam('name', project_name),
        bindparam('user_id', user_id),
                User.c.id == 1,
                User.c.role == "ADMIN",

I find my use of `bindparam` in the select statement to be rather noisy. 

Does anyone know of a way to make it a bit more easier on the eyes?

Would you be open to making a SQLAlchemy conditional insert API?

Project.insert(name=project_name, user_id=user_id).where(
        # ...

In other words, create a method "where" on Insert that will not use VALUES 
and instead use a SELECT. 

Thanks and best regards,


SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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