One more twist I just discovered:

If the primary key is a single column that auto-increments, there is no
information in the pragma index_list about the primary key at all:

        sqlite> create table foo(a int, b integer primary key, c int);
        sqlite> pramga table_info(foo);
        cid         name        type        notnull     dflt_value  pk
        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
        0           a           int         0                       0
        1           b           integer     0                       1
        2           c           int         0                       0
        sqlite> pragma index_list(foo);

Maybe parsing the SQL from sqlite_master is the way to go after all.. :-(


-----Original Message-----
From: Ned Batchelder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 12:55 PM
Subject: [sqlite] Determining the primary key of a table?

I need to examine the schema of a SQLite database programmatically.  I've
managed to find everything I need in the various pragmas for querying the
schema, except: the order of the columns in the primary key.


pragma table_info tells me which columns are in the primary key, but not
their order in the key.


pragma index_info tells me the order of columns in the index, but not which
index is the primary key.


pragma index_list tells me all the indexes on a table, but not which index
is the primary key.


It looks like the first index in index_list which is named
"sqlite_autoindex_*", and is unique, is the primary key, but can I be
guaranteed of that?


What would be ideal is if the pk column in pragma table_info was not just 0
or 1, but was 0 for columns not in the primary key, and 1 through n for the
columns in the primary key, with the value determining their ordering.  I
understand that represents a slight backward compatibility problem.


Is there something I've missed?  Does anyone have a better way (other than
parsing the table SQL) to determine the primary key?






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