-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Piskorski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 1:08 PM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite Advocacy

On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 08:18:21PM +0200, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> AP>>:)  Yes.  AFAICT, the only excuse for the existence of MySQL and
PHP at
> AP>>all is the ignorance of their creators.  They are poor tools for

> Thanks for extending horizons of my knowledge.

Why, you're quite welcome.  I'm always happy to engage in intelligent
discussion on interesting topics, and while I can occasionally be
obnoxious, or even wrong, I do strive both to convey a true and
accurate picture of the facts, as I best understand them, and to
better understand them myself.


Let's be careful out there.  I have found rookies tend to blindly
evangelically tout their first learned tool as the one and only path of
light to truth and world peace.

Other than overlooking the fact that the only one true language is
Assembler (GOD's Language), over the years I have found there are any
number of competent tools out there backed by many highly opinionated

IMHO, the best approach to any new task is to first study in depth the
issues, environment, restrictions, and complexities involved, then use
whatever the cheap [EMAIL PROTECTED]@$#%ds in accounting will let you buy.  The
cheaper the better.  And if the CEO's nephew happens to like it, all the
better!  ;-)


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