--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Agree, C is great and thanks God we got it in our asenal of tools. 
> But it
> is not pefect because of its own strengths.
> After 15 years of assembler programming, I am still to find a
> compiler that
> makes debugging and optimizing as easy as assembler.
> I can't remember the number of times that C has got me deep into
> memory
> leaks.
> If you need low level programming, C is a good compromise.
> If you need high level programming, C is a good compromise.
> If you don't care about performance and need an idiot proof
> programming
> language, try Java or perl.
> Obviously C has a place but the day Java performs as well as C, who
> would
> one to deal with all of those "shot your own foot" issues.
> Those are my 2 cents I am not trying to offend anybody.

No worries :)
I have much the same experience.

Sorry if I came across as offended.

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